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Sports and PE Premium Statement: 2022/23

As part of the government's commitment to build on the legacy of London 2012 Olympics, an additional £150 million of funding was provided to primary schools to improve provision for physical education (PE) and sport. This funding - jointly provided by the Departments for Education, Health and Culture, Media and Sport - has been allocated to primary school head teachers. The money must be used to improve the provision of PE and school sport.

PE and school sport continue to play a very important part in the life of Belmont Academy. As a school we actively promote participation in sports and games and encourage pupils to make healthy lifestyle choices. At Belmont, participation in P.E. and sports allow our pupils to demonstrate our school values of respect, resilience, responsibility, kindness and honesty.

At Belmont, we have been allocated £19,950 in sport premium funding to support the development of PE and school sport for 2022-23.   Please see the link below to review our strategy which outlines how the Sports Premium grant will be utilised.


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