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Children's University

Children’s University is a charity that works in partnership with schools to develop a love of learning in children. They do this by encouraging and celebrating participation in extra-curricular activities in and outside of school. The impact of these activities is proven to be positive which is why we’re committed to creating a level playing field of opportunity and opening up access to children of all backgrounds. 

See below for more information and some Frequently Asked Questions.                                                                                                                                                                                           

We have had some questions come through on Children’s University Online and felt that it might be helpful to share the answers in case they are helpful to you! 

Where can I find information about the Children’s University and the Challenges?

Everything can be found on our Google Drive:                                                     


If you need help with using Children’s University Online, please go to the “Children’s University Online resources” folder and you will find help information and a video in there.

The challenges are in a folder called “CU Challenges” and within this folder there are also templates for reviews that you can complete if you visit a cultural experience or similar activities!

If I go to a club outside of school, can I earn stamps there?

If they are a Learning Destination, then yes you can – simply ask your club leader for the stamp code. If they are not a Learning Destination then please nominate them so Louise can contact the club leader to see if they would like to become a Learning Destination so that you can earn stamps.   


You can nominate them by completing this very short Google Form and Louise will take it from there:

How do I find clubs or activities that do not cost anything?

You can graduate without spending any money and although you can search for activities and Learning Destinations on Children’s University Online, unfortunately you cannot filter the results by cost. Many of our Learning Destinations outside of school cost money to attend, as they are businesses, but some are able to offer free taster sessions or free ongoing activities. The best thing to do is have a look through our Learning Destination Directory as this may have more information on the cost of activities. This can be found on our Google Drive:

However, please also be aware that there are lots of activities and challenges that can be completed which are free of cost. All of the challenges can be found on the Google Drive:

Please also keep an eye out for events that we share as there may well be opportunities to earn stamps for your passport.


Where do we get the stamps from?

If it is a club in school, then the stamps will be added to your Children’s University Online account each half term by Miss Clark KS2 and Mrs Journet KS1 and Reception. 

If it is an activity outside of school, such as a visit to a Learning Destination, then please ask the club leader for the code. If they are unsure of the code, please email Louise with evidence of your attendance and she can provide the code.

If you have completed one of Louise’s challenges, then Louise will send you the code when you send her a photo of your completed work to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

You cannot find the stamps codes on Children’s University Online, as you need to complete the activity before getting the stamp.

If you have any questions, please contact Miss Clark via the School Office This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Louise from Children’s University via This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so we can help answer your questions directly!

Pupil Voice :

Elise W (Y3) - I enjoy the extra activities that Children's University organise, like when I visited the fire station. That was amazing!

Aria (Y3) - I love that they give you the opportunity to perform at the graduations and dress like a real graduate!

William (Y4) - It's great that you can take responsibility for your own achievements and be rewarded for having fun!

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