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Our Vision

The school's motto 'Better Together, Together Achieving' encapsulates our vision. As a fully inclusive school our community works together towards achieving our shared goal of individual and collective excellence. As such, we have a shared responsibility for success.  The purpose of our school is to provide an excellent educational experience for every child, enabling them to understand the world and their place in it.   Our aim is to provide every pupil with the opportunity to reach their full potential and develop a sense of achievement and accomplishment; teaching our pupils that making a positive contribution to the world and being successful is not just about ability.

Our Values

A value is a principle that guides our thinking and our behaviour.  At Belmont Academy, every individual is valued for who they are and what they contribute to the school.  Values are intended to support the personal, social and spiritual development of every pupil throughout school.  Staff, parents, pupils, Governors and visitors are involved in promoting our values and they have been selected as being important without our school community and throughout life.  Our aim at Belmont is that our values will: 

  • Improve behaviour, conduct and self confidence
  • Develop pupils understanding of what values are and why they are important in life
  • Promote our values in the way in which staff and adults interact with each other and pupils
  • Display our values to share with all
  • Encourage parents and carers to support and promote our values outside of school.
  • Raise standards by promoting a school ethos that is underpinned by our core values supporting the development of the whole child
  • Link our values to the Fundamental British Values
  • Link our values to the UNICEF Conventions of the Rights of the Child as part of our Rights Respecting School Award

Our core values are:                                  

Respect              Resilience               Responsibility               Kindness                Honesty                                               

The Mission, Vision and Values of LSEAT can be found here.

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