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Please have a read of our Forest School news for this term :


We have had a fantastic time in Forest School during Spring 1 exploring and learning in nature across Nursery, Reception and Year 4. The great outdoors has been our classroom, inspiring curiosity, creativity and a love for the natural world.

Nursery and Reception have been discovering the wonder of nature through hands on experiences using all their senses through all weathers. Their confidence in outdoor learning has blossomed.

Year 4 have deepened their understanding of the environment. Developing teamwork and resilience building shelters using their creative skills to develop their own creations with woodwork being a very popular form of expression. We took part in the RSPB survey and have used our information to enhance ideas to support our wildlife for future projects.

Nature has provided us with endless learning opportunities and we look forward to Spring 2!


 Forest bird 1



Woodwork Area - working with clay

Forest Clay 1




Watching the fire

Forest fire 1

Feeding the Fire

Forest fire 2


Pond Dipping

Forest Pond 1


Forest shelter 1



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