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Our wonderful Belmont Parliament had the amazing opportunity to visit the real Parliament this week!

A bit about our Belmont Parliament : 

Belmont Parliament members are elected to represent the pupils in their class. All classes learn about the process of elections and take part in voting for their chosen representative. This is part of Belmont's commitment to promoting British Values and the children's understanding of democracy. They are involved in helping the leadership team in the school make important decisions. Their first job is to decide on their priorities for the year and to create a pledge for the school.

Each of our Parliament members has the opportunity to run for one of three key roles within Parliament; Chief Speaker, Treasurer and Secretary.  Parliament pupils had to prepare a manifesto detailing their suitability for the role and this was shared with the pupils during an assembly.  Pupils then took to the ballot to choose their class Parliament representative.

Our pupil Parliament group meet regularly with senior leaders to discuss matters around school acting as the voice of the pupils.  They are also integral to our charity and fundraising events alongside acting as ambassadors for visitors and guests to our school. 









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