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As part of our PSHE and PE curriculum, and in our continued efforts to give the children a broad and balanced education and experience, throughout the week of 13th June, the children will be learning in more detail about health and fitness. We will be concentrating on what it means to be physically and mentally fit and what it takes to maintain good health.

A major part of the week will see the children experience new and exciting sporting activities, including: Pilates, mini-golf, climbing wall, tennis, archery, boxercise, scooting and circus skills; study healthy food and cook or make a healthy snack or meal. Each year group will get the opportunity to experience at least one session of a sporting activity. 



Monday activities for Reception, Year 1 and Year 5





 Tuesday activities for Year 6, Year 3 and Year 4







Wednesday activities - Speed Stacks - Whole School




 Year 6



 Thursday activities



Friday activities

























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