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Our staff and children took part in Number Day for the NSPCC and raised £82.16! Thank you to all who contributed. The money raised will help to change childhoods across the UK. Click to see our certificate and some more information about the NSPCC and what your money will go towards...


What your money pays for :

Every pound you donate helps us protect children and prevent abuse.

We visit schools and teach children abuse is never their fault and they can always speak out and get help.

We run our helpline and Childline for any adult or child to turn to for support.

We campaign for change and demand laws and rules needed to protect children.

We equip parents and carers with the knowledge, support and skills they need.

Through research we're constantly striving to find the best ways to protect children and prevent abuse.

We run therapeutic services to help children recover from abuse and get their lives back on track

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