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The end of this half term has been a triumphant and memorable time for Belmont paricularly our Year 6 Boys' Football Team who were victorious in the Kevin McCarthy cup final....

 As part of the Bexley Primary Schools Football Association (BPSFA), Belmont reached the final of the Kevin McCarthy cup after beating Old Bexley in the semi-finals.  The team - Dilan, Sonny, Alex, Hudson, Gideon, Ethan, Oscar, Matthew, Archie and Latif - faced Hurst in the final played on Thursday 27th May.  The game saw many goals scored and finished 6-4 to Belmont.  The boys played with integrity and determination, demonstrating their team spirit and sportsmanship all the way through.

Belmont has not had a sporting victory of this kind since the 1970's when the school according to the BPSFA Chair Stuart Turpin, dominated the borough's football league.  

A huge well done and congratulations to the boys and their well-deserved win and a special thank you to the parents for their support, Coach Lewis for leading the team and Mr McGregor for overseeing the organisation on behalf of the school.  The cup will take pride of place in school.

Many photographs were taken (see below) and the jubilation is clear to see.  After what has been an uncertain year for all, this achievement is not only for the players but for all pupils and the wider school community. 

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