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A key role given to our Belmont Parliament children is to raise money for chosen charities.  Each term they work together to research and identify a charity to fundraise for collaborating with the school community to ensure each fundraising event it a success.

During autumn term, the Parliament pupils organised a variety of events in aid of Parkinsons UK and today Sarah from the charity, visited Belmont to receive a cheque for £401.24.  Sarah's visit to the school really cemented the efforts and commitment of the children and helped them to understand the disease and the work of the charity.  Seeing Sarah receive the money raised - the final step in the process for fundraising - clarified the importance of thinking about others in the community and wider world and why it is important that all at Belmont continue to help and support charities and causes. 

Our Belmont Parliamentarians were very pleased to be able to meet Sarah and handover the cheque.  They are now busy working together with all puplis to identify a charity for this term and thinking about possible fundraising ideas.

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