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Each term our Parliament pupils have been tasked with organising a fundraising event for their chosen charity.  This term the pupils chose Parkinsons UK and organised activities to coincide with Children in Need.  Click to find out more.



Well done to our Parliament pupils who successfully organised and led a range of fundraising activities for both Parkinsons UK and Children in Need.  On Friday 15th November Belmont had 'pyjama day'.  Pupils and staff were invited to wear their pyjama's to school and contribute £1.  The children also took part in Joe Wicks' big move which was a live streamed activity session.  Our Parliament pupils organised a toy raffle and children were asked to donate an unwanted toy.  Raffle tickets were sold, the winning tickets were drawn and children were able to choose a toy to take home.  All unallocated toys were donated to charity.

The total amout raised will be split between the two charities and we hope to share this this space!

Toy raffle 1

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